Is SSMSBoost Professional a perpetual license with optional maintenance? What happens if maintenance is not purchased each year?

Is SSMSBoost Professional a perpetual license with optional maintenance? What happens if maintenance is not purchased each year?

SSMSBoost Professional is a perpetual license without automatic subscription.
When purchased the license is provided with 1 year of updates support period which starts when the license is activated for the first time.
During the updates support period you can download latest versions of SSMSBoost Professional for free.
When support period expires you can continue using any SSMSBoost version released before the expiration.

If you want to stay up to date and continue using latest versions of SSMSBoost you can purchase updates support period extension tokens.
Tokens will be added to your account and you must apply them to particular license to extend its updates support period.
When applied, each token adds 1 year to the expiration date of the support period of the particular license.

The tokens are not automatically applied to existing licenses upon purchase because it gives you a better control of your account.
If your account contains multiple licenses of your team, you might decide not to extend some licenses that are not used and actually
extend them only when they will be needed again. Please note, that it does not matter when you apply the extension token:
it will always add 1 year to the expiration date of the support period. Exception: if the support period has expired longer than 1 year ago, the
application of single token will extend the updates support period to the date of application, allowing you to download and activate the latest version.

If required, you can purchase and apply multiple tokens to extend the support period for several years.

Why would you need to stay up to date?
Microsoft tends to release 2-3 new versions of SSMS per year. Multiple releases in the past had breaking changes that required multiple modifications in
SSMSBoost to allow it to run with the new version. You you are planning to use latest releases of SSMS, you will most probably need to keep the SSMSBoost up to date as well.
Apart from keeping our product in sync with SSMS, we are also permanently adding new and improving existing features, currently releasing 3-4 new SSMSBoost versions per year.
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